Q: How long have you worked for ISLE/Purple Cat?
A: Four months
Q: What is your job here?
A: Working on mom’s car
Q: What did you do before working here?
A: Worked at a grocery store
Q: What is your favorite…
Food? Pizza
Color? Blue
Candy Bar? Peanut Butter Cups
Q: What is your favorite holiday and why?
A: Christmas because I get presents.
Q: Name one of your favorite songs and why.
A: Always on my mind because the ladies are always on my mind.
Q: What do you like to do on your days off?
A: Drink beer and watch movies.
Q: If you could be any animal what would it be?
A: Giraffe
Q: Who is your favorite Golden String Radio DJ?
A: DJ Bertos
Q: What is your favorite event at ISLE/Purple Cat?
A: Christmas Party