Q: How long have you worked for ISLE/Purple Cat?
A: It will be one year this month
Q: What is your job here?
A: Art instructor at the Farm
Q: What did you do before working here?
A: Mom to the four best kids
Q: Name someone you see as a role model in your life and why.
A: My grandma Fabrizi. She had a quiet peace and faith and loved her family with a powerful love. She made even the most simple things seem so special.
Q: What is your favorite candy?
A: Necco wafers. crunchy and a sugar rush!
Q: What is your favorite holiday and why?
A: Thanksgiving. Our family gets together at our house, last year there was 28 people, we eat the biggest meal and it”s all about being together, no presents, just the gift of each other. Christmas eve is great too. We’ve the seven fishes and all the pasta with my cousins
Q: Name one of your favorite songs and why.
A: Jim Croce – “Time in a Bottle” It’s all about knowing all the good things you have.
Q: What do you like to do when you’re not at the Purple Cat?
A: Hang out with my husband and go to Mill Creek Park.
Q: If you could be any animal, what would it be?
A: A dolphin
Q: Who is your favorite Golden String Radio DJ?
A: My cousin Mark Castro
Q: What is your favorite event at the Purple Cat?
A: The Medieval Day we had this year at the Farm
Q. If you could anywhere in the world, where would it be?
A: Mill Creek Park on a sunny day in Fall
Q: If you were a superhero, what would your name be? and what would your superpower be?
A: Lightning bug woman. Bringing light to all the dark places of the world. And I could fly!